Admin: Fax Details

Page Description

Use the Fax Details page to configure default fax settings used for result delivery. See the Admin: System Defaults topic. As part of the faxing method, Copia creates two files: one in PDF format, which contains the content of the fax, and one file containing a fax server-defined format.

Contact an Orchard Software Technical Support representative for help configuring the names of files that are generated from the outbound queue.

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Creating or Editing Fax Details
  1. Enter the number prefix needed to reach an outside line, if necessary, in the Dial Prefix field.
  2. Select an option from the Server Type drop-down list to indicate the type of fax server you are using (Protonet, Biscom, Zetafax, Email, or Esker). This field is required. The default selection is Zetafax.
  3. If you are using a Zetafax server, you may select the Use API checkbox to enable the integrated API functionality, where Copia and Zetafax can share message statuses and work more closely together for managing faxes, or Use SSLingshot to use the SSLingshot functionality. Selecting the Use SSLingshot checkbox will display the SSLingshot Address field where the SSLingshot address is defined. Use the Outbound Queue page to manage the faxing. See the Admin: Outbound Queue topic. Note that this feature works best if you configure batch faxing in Zetafax, as opposed to Copia. If Email is selected, enter an email domain in the Domain Name field.
  4. If you are using Esker, enter text into the Server URL, Server Account User Name, and Server Account Password fields to specify the server URL, user name, and password for the Esker fax server. Click the Test button to test the URL for the server. These fields are required.
  5. Enter in the File Drop Path field the full path name to where Copia will send fax jobs. This field is required. Click the Test button to have Copia verify that it can access the directory.
  6. Enter in the Content File Drop Path field the full path, as seen by the Copia server, where Copia should place the file containing the content of the fax (in PDF format). This field is required. Click the Test button to have Copia verify that it can access the directory.
  7. Enter in the Server Content File Path field the full path, as seen by the fax server, where the fax server placed the file containing the content of the fax (in PDF format). This field is required.
  8. Enter in the Server Account User ID field the value Copia should send to the fax server to identify the origin of the fax request. This field is required.
  9. Enter a value in the Zetafax Status Update Interval field to define the amount of time between Zetafax update intervals. The default value is 6.
  10. Enter a value in the Fax Wait Interval field to establish the number of seconds the system waits to begin sending queued faxes. The higher the number, the more faxes it will batch together. The default value is 10.
  11. Select an option from the Fax File Format drop-down list. Select either "PDF" or "TIFF" from the list. The default selection is TIFF. This field is required.
  12. If you are using a Zetafax server, you may enter in the TIFF Faxing Render DPI field to define a year. Click the Generate Test Faxes button to generate test faxes via the Generate Test Fax page.
  13. If you are using a Zetafax server, you may enter in the Order IDs in Subject Line field the maximum number of order IDs displayed in the Zetafax header file subject line. The default value for this setting is six. If there are more orders in the fax content than the maximum, Copia appends "..." to the end of the order IDs. The default value is 6.
  14. If you are using a Zetafax server, you may select the Add Order Status to Subject Line option to send the order's status (P or F for preliminary or final) at the beginning of the subject line of the fax. Copia only sets these values for result report faxes that you manually send. Note that if the order is complete with exceptions, the status flag is F for final.
  15. If you are using a Zetafax server, you may select the Add Highest Order Choice Priority to Subject Line option to send the priority (S, A, or R for STAT, ASAP, or routine) of the highest priority order choice at the beginning of the subject line of the fax. Copia only sets these values for result report faxes that you manually send.
  16. If you are using a Zetafax server, you may select one of the following options to prioritize as "Urgent" the fax jobs Copia sends to the Zetafax fax server. If you enable one or more options and the respective state is true for one of the reports in a fax batch being sent, Copia adds a "Priority: URGENT" entry to the Zetafax submit file, which causes Zetafax to send those faxes out before all of the non-urgent faxes.
  17. Select the Use cover page on faxes to have Copia send a cover page with faxed reports. You must select this option in order for the cover page options set for specific users or locations on the Users and Locations administration pages and the Result Delivery lab tasks page to take effect. If you enable this setting and at least one recipient (either a user or a location) in an outbound fax transmission is configured to receive a fax cover page, then Copia sends a cover page.
  18. If you select this option, you may further customize the cover page with the following options:

  19. Select an option from the Shading on Faxes drop-down list to determine the amount of shading Copia applies to reports (Standard, Alternate, and Custom) when they are faxed. Options include various amounts of shading, as well as options to outline the data instead of shade it, to leave the default shading, and to remove all shading.
  20. Enter a value between 0 and 30,000 in the Fax File Drop Delay (msec) field to determine the number of milliseconds that the outbound fax interface will pause between the creation of the fax content file and the fax header file. The default value is 0.
  21. Enter a value between 0 and 100 in the Fax Maximum Batch Size field to define the maximum number of fax entries in the outbound queue that Copia should send to the same fax number in one fax job. The default value is 1. The value determines the fax batch size in the Fax Maximum Batch Size field located on the Locations administration page.
  22. Click the Cancel button to return to the System Defaults administration page without saving any changes.
  23. Click the OK button to record changes and return to the System Defaults administration page.

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Adding or Editing Area Code Rules
  1. Select the Unless defined below, dial a one before ten digit fax numbers option to have Copia always dial a one if the fax number is ten digits, unless the Always Dial "1" First option is set for the area code (see below).
  2. Click the Add button to add a new area code rules set in the Area Code Rules section. Complete the fields below.
  3. As you create area code rules, note that you must select at least one of the dial area code or dial "1" prefix options. Also, Copia does not allow you to create duplicate rules.
  4. To delete an area code rules set, click the X button that corresponds to the area code rules set.
  5. Click the Cancel button to return to the System Defaults administration page without saving any changes.
  6. Click the OK button to record changes and return to the System Defaults administration page.

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