
Page Description

This page displays the messages that have been sent to you. Use the Messages page to view, print, and acknowledge messages. Copia System Administrators create the messages and may send them to the entire system or to specified practices, locations, or users.

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Accessing this Page

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Acknowledging Messages

  1. The Messages page displays the messages that have been sent to you. Copia numbers the messages at the top of the page as "Message __ of __." You must acknowledge the current message (see below) before you may view additional messages.
  2. Use the scroll bar to view the entire contents of the message, if necessary.
  3. Click the Print button to print the message. Change the print settings in the print dialog, if needed and click Print. Copia prints the message according to the settings you established in the print dialogs (number of copies, printer destination, etc.).
  4. Click the OK button to acknowledge the message. Copia records the date and time you acknowledge the message, so that the Copia System Administrator may verify that the necessary Copia users received the message.
  5. If there are additional messages, Copia displays the next message. If there are no additional messages, Copia opens the program and displays one of the following pages:

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