Admin: Server Activity

Page Description

Use the Server Activity page to view connection and resource data for the system, as well as track the system activity (inbound queues, outbound queues, and manual and automatic order creation). Click on the tab that corresponds to the information you wish to review.

Connection Pool Tab

Use the Connection Pool tab to view the current and available connections to the Copia system.

Monitor Resources Tab

Use the Monitor Resources tab to view what resources the Copia system is currently using.

Activity Graph Tab

Use the Activity Graph tab to track system activity (inbound queues, outbound queues, and manual and automatic order creation).

System Maintenance Log Tab

Use the System Maintenance Log tab to track logging for various system maintenance procedures setup at the system default-level.

System Buttons Tab

Use the System Buttons tab to track and modify server actions. This tab is only available to superusers.

DB Table Stats Tab

Use the DB Table Stats tab to track and view database stats in a scrolling table. This tab is only available to superusers.

For more help, click one of the following links:

Connection Pool Tab:

Monitor Resources Tab:

Activity Graph Tab:

System Maintenance Log Tab:

System Buttons Tab:

DB Table Stats Tab:

Accessing this Page

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Accessing Servers Tabs

  1. Click the Connection Pool tab to view the current and available connections to the Copia system.
  2. Click the Monitor Resources tab to view what resources the Copia system is currently using.
  3. Click the Activity Graph tab to track system activity (inbound queues, outbound queues, and manual and automatic order creation).
  4. Click the System Maintenance Log tab to track logging for various system maintenance procedures setup at the system default-level.
  5. Click the System Buttons tab to track and modify server actions. This tab is only available to superusers.
  6. Click the DB Table Stats tab to track and view database stats in a scrolling table. This tab is only available to superusers.

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Viewing Connections

  1. The Connection Pool tab displays the current and available connections to the Copia system.
  2. Select a server from the Server drop-down list to select a server to monitor.
  3. Select an option from the Database Instance drop-down list to select a database. The primary database option "Primary" will be first in the drop-down list. It is the default option. If an additional database has been correctly configured in the INI file, it will also appear in the drop-down list. Note that this drop-down list can only be seen if the "DB_UI_NAME" ACO is defined. If the "DB_UI_NAME" ACO is defined, that value will be displayed on the option in the drop-down list. If the "DB_UI_NAME" ACO is not defined, the ACO section name will be displayed on the option in the drop-down list.
  4. Review the JVM Memory Status Report on this tab to see the total available memory, the free memory available, and the memory currently being used.
  5. Beneath the system-wide memory information, Copia displays each possible connection, its status, and the number of times it has been used.
  6. Click the Refresh button to update the page with the latest connection information.

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Monitoring Resources

  1. The Monitor Resources tab displays the resources the Copia system is currently using.
  2. Review the Memory Usage table to see the amount of memory available, measured in MB.
  3. Beneath the memory information, Copia displays information about the active queues set up for the system.
  4. Click the Refresh button to update the page with the latest resource information.

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Monitoring Activity

  1. The Activity Graph tab displays system activity (inbound queues, outbound queues, and manual and automatic order creation).
  2. Select a Graph option to indicate what type of graph you wish to view: Inbound Queue, Outbound Queue, or Orders Created. Copia displays the inbound queue graph by default.
  3. For the graph's Time range, enter a date and time in the format MM/DD/YYYY, HH:MM AM/PM in the Start and End fields, or select a date from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icon located next to the fields. The start date defaults to 12:00 AM on the current date, and the end date defaults to 11:59 PM on the current date. Click Now to enter the current date and time. Click Clear to clear the date and time fields.
  4. Enter a number and select a unit of measurement (Minute(s), Hour(s), or Day(s)) to define the Units Copia should use for the graph.
  5. Choose a delimiter to sort by, including "Double quotes and comma," "Comma," "Tab," "Vertical bar," or "Semicolon." Click the Export button to export the graph to your computer.
  6. Once you have set the graph criteria, click the Refresh button to update the page with the latest activity information based on your selected graph type, time range, and unit of measurement. If no results match the search criteria, "No hosts have activity for the selected date range" will appear on the page.
  7. As you review the graph, note the following:
  8. Move the mouse over a data point to display the data set's name, the time range represented, and actual value for that point on the graph.
  9. Click the Refresh button to update the page with the latest activity information. Copia retains your selected graph type, time range, and unit of measurement when you refresh the page, so you will need to manually change these values, if desired.

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System Maintenance Log

  1. The System Maintenance Log tab displays logging for various system maintenance procedures setup at the system default-level.
  2. Enter a date and time in the format MM/DD/YYYY, HH:MM AM/PM in the Start and End fields, or select a date from the calendar view by clicking the calendar icon located next to the fields. The start date defaults to 12:00 AM on the current date, and the end date defaults to 11:59 PM on the current date. Click Now to enter the current date and time. Click Clear to clear the date and time fields.
  3. Click the Record Type drop-down list to choose a record type that best suits your filter needs. Select All Record Types if you wish to search through all record types, or scroll through the drop-down list to better narrow your results.
  4. Click the Maintenance Comments drop-down list to choose a maintenance comment to filter by. Select either "All Maintenance Comments," "Failed to Run," or "Successfully Ran" from the drop-down list to narrow search results.
  5. Once you filter the list, Copia displays the Start Time, Finish Time, Records Modified, Maintenance Comment, Server Name, and Record Type columns for each instance where a user performed maintenance in Copia.
  6. You may sort the displayed actions by clicking the heading for the Start Time column. The up and down arrows indicate whether the current sort order is descending (\/) or ascending (/\). By default, Copia sorts in a descending order; however, if you click the same column link again, Copia sorts the data in an ascending order and it adjusts the arrow to indicate the new sort direction.
  7. Select an option from the Select column by clicking the appropriate checkbox. Once you have selected a row, click the Print Selected button to print the selected row. Click the Export Selected button to export the selected row and then save to your computer. Click the drop-down menu to choose a delimiter to sort by, including "Double quotes and comma," "Comma," "Tab," "Vertical bar," or "Semicolon." Clear the search results by clicking the Clear button.
  8. Click the Refresh button to update the page with the latest system maintenance information.

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System Buttons

  1. Click the System Buttons tab to track and modify server actions. This tab is only available to superusers.
  2. Click the Debugging statements are currently being generated button to display a Script Prompt pop-up. Enter the number of milliseconds that constitutes a long database execution time in the available field. Click the OK button to set the number of milliseconds, or click the Cancel button to exit the prompt without saving any changes. When this button is clicked, the button changes to Debugging statements are currently not being generated.
  3. Click the The new method of loading order data is being used button to use the new method of loading order data. When this button is clicked, the button changes to The new method of loading order data is NOT being used.
  4. Click the HL7 debugging statements are currently NOT being generated button to allow debugging statements to be generated when HL7 messages are evaluated.
  5. Click the Millisecond pause between inbound message parsing drop-down to set an amount of milliseconds between inbound message parsing. Milliseconds range from 0 to 5000.
  6. Click the Inbound Queue Priority and the Outbound Queue Priority drop-down menus to choose priorities for the inbound and outbound queues. Respectively, each drop-down ranges from 1 to 10.
  7. Click the Turn Ack Logging On button to turn the acknowledgment of logging on. When this button is clicked, the button changes to Turn Ack Logging Off.
  8. Click the Turn Slingshot Zetafax Logging Off button to turn off Slingshot Zetafax logging.
  9. Click the Select Table.* Searching Off button to turn off the ability to search. When this is turned off, the For Browse On button becomes unavailable. When this button is clicked, the button changes to Select Table.* Searching On. When the Select Table.* Searching button is turned on, Copia will send the tablename.* instead of each field name individually when querying the database.
  10. Click the For Browse On button to turn browsing on. When this button is clicked, the button changes to For Browse Off. This button is unavailable when the Select Table.* Searching Off button is turned off.
  11. Click the Label printing rules are enabled button to prevent label printing rules from being fired system-wide even though the rules are still active in the system. If the rules are currently enabled when the button is clicked, a "Disable label printing rules?" dialog appears stating that "This will prevent label printing rules from being fired even though they are still active. Are you sure you want to disable label printing rules?"
  12. Click the Label printing rule debugging statements are currently NOT being generated button to allow debugging statements to be generated when label printing rules are evaluated.
  13. Click the Host field in the Synching Tools section to choose a host to synch. A list of available hosts appears in a scrolling drop-down list.
  14. Select the Disable the superuser password until checkbox to disable the superuser password until a specific date and time. Enter a date and time into the available fields, or click the calendar icon to set a specific date and time. The date and time appears in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM. When the checkbox is checked, the Now, Clear, and Update Time buttons appear.
  15. Click the Hash Patient Data button in the Fictionalize Database section to have the ability to fictionalize patient and patient related information. All host records will also be modified when the database has been fictionalized. The inbound and outbound interface settings will be disabled. Fictionalizing a database using the Hash Patient Data option will allow a Harvest LIS database to be fictionalized as well and still allow patient information to be usable between Copia and Harvest LIS. This feature is available to superusers only. When the Hash Patient Data button is clicked, an alert will display asking, "The database will become usable for demo purposes only. Do you want to continue with fictionalization?" If the Yes button is clicked, an additional alert will display asking, "Are you sure you want to continue with fictionalization?" Fictionalization will begin when the Yes button has been clicked. A progress bar will be displayed to indicate the percentage of records that have been fictionalized. Once the process is complete, an alert will display stating, "The database has been successfully fictionalized." If any errors occurred during fictionalization, an alert will display stating, "Errors occurred while converting the data to demo. See the Error Log for more details." Any errors will be recorded in the Error Log. Fictionalization will not continue if any errors occur. Warning: Changes are permanent. Once the database has been fictionalized, it is usable for demo purposes only.

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DB Table Stats

  1. Click the DB Table Stats tab to track and view database stats in a scrolling table. This tab is only available to superusers.
  2. The Copia database stats table displays totals for your Copia database. At the top of the table, the size and unallocated space displays in MB.
  3. On the left, the name of the table, e.g., Sequence, AccessLog, AdmissionType, etc., is located in the Table Name column. On the right, for each table name, the Rows, Reserved, Data, Index Size, Unused, and Columns columns are displayed. The sizes for each column are displayed in KB, except for Rows and Columns. Click the name of the column to sort by that particular column. For example, if you click the Table Name link, the tables are displayed in alphabetical order. Click the Rows, Reserved, Data, Index Size, Unused, and/or Columns links to view the totals from the largest number to the smallest number.
  4. Click the Refresh button to refresh and update the database table information.

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