Admin: SNOMED Codes

Page Description

Use the SNOMED Codes administration page to view, edit, and add SNOMED codes in Copia.

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Accessing this Page

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Viewing the SNOMED Codes List

  1. The SNOMED Code list page contains a list of up to ten SNOMED codes or code systems, displayed in alphabetical order. If the list is longer than one page, use the Page links, located below the list of SNOMED codes, to navigate through the list.
  2. Enter text into the SNOMED code field to search for a specific SNOMED code. This is a search-as-you-type field. Click the Refresh button to refresh SNOMED code results in the table list.
  3. Enter text into the Code system field to search for a specific code system for the code. This is a search-as-you-type field. Click the Refresh button to refresh code system results in the table list.
  4. Enter text in to the Description field to search for a specific SNOMED code description. This is a search-as-you-type field. Click Refresh to refresh the description results in the table list.
  5. If you cannot find the desired SNOMED code or code system, click the Add button to add SNOMED codes and code systems. See "Adding and Editing SNOMED Codes" below.
  6. Click the name of the SNOMED code or code system in order to view/edit SNOMED code and code system details for the selected SNOMED code or code system. Click the Save button to save any changes made to the SNOMED code or code system.

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Adding and Editing SNOMED Codes

  1. Enter text into the SNOMED code field in the SNOMED Code Details section on the SNOMED Code details page to add a SNOMED code in Copia. This field is required.
  2. Enter text into the Code system field in the SNOMED Code Details section on the SNOMED Code details page to add a code system in Copia.
  3. Enter text into the Description field in the SNOMED Code Details section on the SNOMED Code details page to add a brief description of the SNOMED code and code system that you are adding in Copia.
  4. Enter text into the Version field in the SNOMED Code Details section on the SNOMED Code details page to add a version number to the SNOMED code and code system.
  5. Click the name of any SNOMED code or code system on the SNOMED Code list page to edit SNOMED code and code system detail information.
  6. Click the Save button to add the SNOMED code to the SNOMED Code list page. The new SNOMED code will appear in the SNOMED code table list. Click the < Back to List button to return to the SNOMED Code list page without adding a SNOMED code or code system.

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