Waiting Room

Page Description

Use the Waiting Room page to view appointments, check-in and check-out patients for appointments, and collect samples. The Waiting Room page has two tabs: the Waiting Room tab and the Completed tab. The Waiting Room tab contains a table with information on patients that have checked in for appointments. The Waiting Room header indicates which waiting room is currently being viewed and contains the automatic refresh settings for the table. If the Automatically refresh every ___ seconds checkbox is selected, the table will refresh at an interval determined by the number of seconds entered in the field. Patients are checked in using the Check-In button that appears to the right of the page, between the header and the table. Click this button to open the Check-In Patient pop-up. The Waiting Room page is only available to users with the role right "View Waiting Room (Lab Tasks>Manage Samples)" enabled.

The Waiting Room page can be selected as the Application Start Page on the Applications page in Copia via the Manage Samples > Waiting Room option in the Application Start Page drop-down list.

For more help, click one of the following links:

Accessing this Page

You must have the necessary role right enabled to access the Waiting Room page.

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Viewing and Adding Patients

  1. The Waiting Room table on the Waiting Room page displays the patient's name, appointment date/time, check-in date/time, pager number, name of the phlebotomist, the ability to collect, and the ability to remove the patient from the table.
  2. Enter a value in the Show ___ entries field to display a specific number of entries on the table. The default value is 20 entries. Click the left and right arrows to navigate through the pages on the table.
  3. Click the Automatically refresh every ___ seconds to have the Waiting Room table automatically refresh with new results every configured number of seconds. The default value is 5 seconds.
  4. Click the Check-In button to display the Check-In Patient pop-up to check-in a new patient into the system. Enter the name of the patient into the Patient field, or click the magnifying glass icon to manually search. This field is required. Enter a pager number into the Pager Number field. This field is required. Note that the Pager Number field must use a unique value within the current waiting room. If another patient in the waiting room is using the same pager number value, clicking the Check-In button will trigger an alert with the message "The specified pager is in use, enter a different pager number." Enter an appointment date/time into the Appointment Time fields in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM. Click the Now button to enter the current date/time into the fields, or click the Clear button to clear the fields. If the Appointment Time fields are left blank, the Waiting Room page will automatically use the current date/time.
  5. Click the Check-In button to check-in the patient, adding them to the Waiting Room table, or click the Cancel button to close the pop-up without adding a patient appointment.
  6. Note that the default sorting feature sorts rows by appointment time, from earliest to latest, and sort rows by check-in time, from earliest to latest. Manually sorting by any column will override the default sorting rules. Only the automatic refresh feature will restore the default sorting rules.

Note that the rows in the Waiting Room table have special row highlighting:

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Collecting a Patient on the Waiting Room Table

  1. Once the patient is checked in, the patient, along with their appointment information, appears in the Waiting Room table.
  2. Click the Edit button in the "Pager Number" column to edit the pager number (if necessary) on the Change Pager Number pop-up. Enter a new pager number into the field, followed by clicking the Save button, or click the Cancel button to close the pop-up without changing the pager number. The updated pager number will appear in the column.
  3. Click the X button in the "Remove" column to remove the patient's appointment from the Waiting Room table.
  4. Enter the name of the phlebotomist in the available field in the "Phlebotomist" column. The "Phlebotomist" column's search-as-you-type field searchs on users in the current location's practice who are phlebotomists. If a phlebotomist has been assigned to a patient in the waiting room, that phlebotomist will be selected in the Phlebotomist search-as-you-type field in that patient's row in the table. If a phlebotomist is already selected and that phlebotomist is not the current user, the search-as-you-type will be disabled. The search-as-you-type will always be enabled for users that have the new right "Manage Waiting Rooms" assigned for the current location's practice. Click the Assign to Me button to assign the patient to the current selected phlebotomist. Click the Collect button in the "Collect" column to collect the patient. Clicking the Collect button will display the Confirm Patient Identity pop-up. The Collect button will be disabled when no phlebotomist has been selected, or when a phlebotomist is selected and the selected phlebotomist is not the current user.
  5. Click the Comments button to display the Comments pop-up to view patient, order, and/or order choice comments (buttons will be highlighted if any of the patient's orders and/or order choices, as well as patient-level comments, that are pending collection contain any comments):
  6. The "Order Choices Pending Collection" column shows the abbreviation for the order choices that have not yet been collected. Each order choice will only be listed once even if the patient has multiple orders for a single order choice. The abbreviations in the column will appear as links if the order choice has an external link defined. Hovering over the link will show the label that has been defined for the order choice. Clicking on the link will take the user to the external URL defined on the order choice. Note that the external URL must be a fully specified link. For example, "http://www.orchardsoft.com/" instead of "www.orchardsoft.com/." If the order choice does not have an external link defined, then it will simply appear as text instead of a link.
  7. The Confirm Patient Identity pop-up is where Positive Patient Identification (PPID) is performed. The Patient Info section displays the patient's name, address, and fields for the date of birth. Select the Name checkbox if the name of the patient is correct; select the Address checkbox if the patient's address is correct; and enter the patient's date of birth in the Date of Birth fields, followed by selecting the checkbox. If all of the information is correct, after the Date of Birth checkbox is selected, the Collection Options section will appear. Enter a collection location in the Collection Location field. This field is required. Enter the name of a label printer in the Label Printer field.
  8. Click the Print Labels for Uncollected Samples and Collect checkbox to print labels for the uncollected samples, followed by collecting the samples. The button prints the labels for all of the current patient's uncollected specimens and navigates to Collect Samples page. Click the Collect button to collect the patient's samples. This button navigates to the Collect Samples page. Click the Cancel button to close the pop-up and return to the Waiting Room table without collecting samples. After it is collected, the user is navigated to the Collect Samples page.

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Back to Waiting Room Options

  1. If the Collect Samples page was accessed via the Confirm Patient Identity pop-up, then a < Back to Waiting Room button will appear at the bottom of the page.
  2. Click the < Back to Waiting Room button to access the Back to Waiting Room pop-up, displaying three buttons. Click either the Check-Out Patient from Waiting Room, Return to Waiting Room, or Return to Waiting Room, Unassigned on the pop-up. Click the Cancel button to return to the Collect Samples page.
  3. Click the Check-Out Patient from Waiting Room button to check-out the patient from the waiting room. Clicking this button returns the user to the Waiting Room page. The patient is removed from the Waiting Room tab and is relocated to the Completed tab.
  4. Click the Return to Waiting Room button to return to the Waiting Room page without making any changes to the patient. The Waiting Room table will appear as before the Collect button was clicked.
  5. Click the Return to Waiting Room, Unassigned button to return to the Waiting Room page without making any changes to the patient. However, when this button is clicked, it removes the phlebotomist from the patient's record. The button unassigns the patient from the originally selected phlebotomist. Select a new phlebotomist to move forward with the collection process.
  6. Enter a date/time (optional) in to the Assign time of next collection fields to assign the date/time of the next collection. This is an optional field. These fields can be set from the Collect Samples page after collecting a patient from the waiting room, and clicking the Back to Waiting Room button. In the Back to Waiting Room, the Assign time of next collection time fields can be edited, and after selecting either Return to Waiting Room or Return to Waiting Room, Unassigned the Time of Next Collection, it will appear as the time entered. If no time was entered, then any time that was already in the column will remain in the column. Click the Now button to enter the current date/time, or click the Clear button to clear the fields.
  7. Click the Cancel button to close the pop-up without making any changes.

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Viewing the Completed Tab

  1. The Completed tab is where the patient goes once they have made it through the collection process.
  2. Click the Check-Out Patient from Waiting Room button on the Back to Waiting Room pop-up to check-out the patient from the waiting room. Clicking this button returns the user to the Waiting Room page. The patient is removed from the Waiting Room tab and is relocated to the Completed tab.
  3. Enter a value in the Show ___ entries field to display a specific number of entries on the table. The default value is 20 entries. Click the left and right arrows to navigate through the pages on the table.
  4. The Completed table displays the patient's name, the time PPID was performed on the Confirm Patient Identity pop-up, the time the collection process was completed, and the name of the last phlebotomist.
  5. Click on the patient name link in the "Patient" column to navigate to the Demographics, Insurance, Order History, New Order, Collect Samples, Blank Patient Requisition, Change Log, or Linked Documents pages to perform other tasks.

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