HL7 Parsing Distribution Pop-up

Page Description

Every host interface that has been assigned for HL7 parsing to a specific server will be displayed on this page. This page allows the message parsing workload to be further distributed across servers by designating which patients' files will be parsed on which server. This is decided upon using the first letter of the patients' last names.

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Viewing the HL7 Parsing Distribution Pop-up

  1. The HL7 Parsing Distribution pop-up allows the user to configure which server will parse messages for which patients from which host interfaces.
  2. Select radio buttons on the HL7 Parsing Distribution pop-up to define which patients' files will be parsed on which server by selecting alphabet radio button of the patient's name. You may select Non alpha characters to set as well.

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Setting the HL7 Parsing Distribution Pop-up

  1. The Default section displays the default host interface that has been assigned for HL7 parsing. It will be saved as the parsing configuration for any of the host interfaces with the new Use Default checkbox selected.
  2. Select a server by clicking on the server link to the left of the radio buttons. When the server name is clicked, all radio buttons for that server appear selected in the row.
  3. Select different letter character radio buttons to hold a delimited list of numeric values that define which patient last names will be parsed by that specific server for that specific host. This field will hold the array of patient IDs that are used on a single server to prevent two threads from parsing messages for the same patient on the same server at the same time. This field exists so that the pre-parsing of the message would not have to be performed twice.
  4. Select the Non alpha radio buttons to hold the numeric value for the patient name in the message to be parsed. In a distributed system, this value will determine which server will parse this record's message. The default value is zero.
  5. Note that the letters of the alphabet are not covered by a non-web resource server that will be handled by the web resource server.
  6. When determining which letter will be assigned to the record for the patient in the message, it will first look at the patient last name field, followed by the patient first name field, then the patient middle name field in order to find a value. It will continue to go through the field components in the patient name field until it finds a value. If these are blank, it will assign the record the value of zero for the field.
  7. Click Copy to Default to move host and make it default. This copies their parsing configuration to the default section to be used as the new default. This allows you to use the same parsing configuration for many host interfaces by setting it up once in the default section and simply checking the Use Default checkbox for all of the hosts that should be using that configuration.
  8. Select the Use Default checkbox to mark the host as default along with its settings.
  9. Click Save to save the changes made on the HL7 Parsing Distribution pop-up, or click Cancel to return to the Servers administration page without saving any changes.

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