Help on Help

This topic is designed to answer some common questions for Orchard© Copia© users, including "How do I find pages in Copia?," "How does the online help page work?," and "How are the help topics named?."

How do I find pages in Copia?

To begin most tasks, simply click on the name of the task in the menu on the left side of the page in Copia.

In some cases, there is more than one way to access a page, and it is important to note that the way you access the page can affect what tasks you can perform. Those differences are noted in the appropriate help topics.

For additional help finding certain pages, use the Contents, Index, or Search features of the online help file or the Table of Contents of the Orchard Copia Help Manual. The help topics that cover certain pages in Copia list how to access the page.

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How does the online help page work?

Click the Help button in the Copia page to open the corresponding help topic. You may then use the Contents, Index, or Search functions to look for additional help information. Click the X (Hide Navigation) button to hide the tabs and view the help topic in the full page. Click the Contents, Index, or Search buttons to re-open the help navigation tools.

At the top of each topic is an overview of the page or feature, followed by information on accessing the selected page or feature. Beneath this, each topic is divided into smaller sections that cover how to use the features on the selected page.

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How are the help topics named?

The titles of the help topics are based on the names of features on pages in the Copia application. For example, if you click the Patient Info menu button, then click the Order History submenu link, the help topic is called "Order History." Paths are not included in help topic titles because there may be more than one way to access the page.

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