Adding or Editing Sample Storage Attributes

Feature Description

The Sample Storage Attributes section of the Storage Container page allows you to define the layout and contents of the selected storage container.

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Adding or Editing Sample Storage Attributes

  1. In the Sample Storage Attributes section, select an option to define the storage tube/container type:
  2. Define the Horizontal Display Parameters.
  3. Define the Vertical Display Parameters.
  4. If you are defining a container that will directly hold samples, select one or more containers as the Allowed Tube/Container Types. If you are defining a container that will hold other containers (e.g., a column, row, or shelf), you do not select tube/container types. If you cannot find the desired tube/container type, you may create a new type using the Tube/Container Types administration page. See the Admin: Tube/Container Types topic. Note that when determining where to store samples, Copia will only consider storage containers that allow the type of container used for the sample you are storing.
  5. Click < Back to List to return to the Storage Container list page without saving any changes.
  6. Click Save to record changes and return to the Storage Container list page.

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